Matthew 6:19-34

A Discovery of True Trust
Pastor Nate Bucher

Matthew 6:19-34



As we have heard from Pastor Kevin reading this long passage Jesus again applies His teaching to two things that we can easily relate to. Treasures, or the things that we work to accumulate. And worry — anxieties over provision. If we’re honest with ourselves its easy to relate to these things, we all get anxious time and again and we all seem to like treasure.

I’ve said before, that Kristi doesn’t appreciate my expensive hobbies. When I do have the occasion to buy a new tool, I already have my sights set on what the next one will be to outfit my shop. I’m not sure that I’m the only one like that, but there is definitely truth in the fact that I should be more content. The other thing that I think about when I hear the word treasure — and devotion to that treasure is.

Scrooge McDuck — from the show Duck Tales — The rich Scrooge McDuck was so worried about keeping and gaining more treasure and he already had so much. He had a vault with a diving board into his gold coins. All these adventures his nephews would find themselves in undoubtedly had an element of Uncle Scrooge attempting to get more money. Yes, you younger kids— it is available to watch on Disney +, both the old version that I got to watch as well as a reboot from a couple years ago.

But this also gets the second thing— worry. Anxiety about provision. Look at the world and the craziness of the last two years, its easy to see how so much has caused anxieties. Some people are more prone to anxieties than others. But many of us can think about something that we can become anxious about.

This gets to the question I feel we must answer through Jesus’s words.

Where does our trust lie?

That is the question in both of these scenarios — for what treasure do I trust? The anxious worry of wondering about things out of my control — Who do I trust for provision?

Jesus hits these head on in this passage. Let’s pray and then dig in.


Read 6:19-21

Storing Up Treasures

Jesus begins with a very clear prohibition — Do not. There is an action He prohibits but in keeping with His deeper view of the human heart. So, we can be sure that indeed we shouldn’t do what is to come next, but realize there is going to be a deeper implication. So what are we not to do? Store up treasures — so don’t be Scrooge McDuck — To which, we’re all like check — no diving board in my vault…

No vault… Yes, treasure can mean wealth of monetary resources — Jesus gets to that with the often quoted phrase in verse 24.

But, as we said earlier, deeper than just surface treasure — what are we devoted to? What are we attempting to gain more of? Are they things of this world that will easily disappear? Moths and Rust destroy — they do not have lasting power. Why would you be devoted to things that can easily be taken away from you? The hoarding of more and more — the quest to be satisfied from things. But even treasuring good religious things can be wrongly motivated. Jesus even clearly says in verse 21 — what you treasure is what motivates you.

So to combat this Jesus tells us instead — store up treasures in heaven. This is not to be confused with some sort of merit that is credited to us from our actions here in ledger—book of heaven. Though, Jesus doesn’t explain more, but we can be sure that it is nothing short of growing in Christlikeness. For that is the end goal upon Christ’s return — to be glorified and become as Christ would have us to be. Things of the earth are a mist — as the writer of Ecclesiastes puts it. Things of heaven are eternal.

But, Jesus continues on this same thought — another example of His point.

Read 6:22-23

Wait — who else feels like this is a little bit of a curve ball? Now we’re looking at eyes and vision imagery? In the ancient culture, much of the time the eye was looked at as being equivalent to the heart. It is the member that guides you —

So Jesus is saying, if your eye is pure and healthy — then you will be motivated by and treasure the right things. If your eye is broken, if it is not able to “let light in” — then you will be motivated by and treasure the things of this earth.

Do you see — again — how the eye is thought of as the heart that Jesus has been so concerned throughout the Sermon? Jesus dearly wants us to be aware of what is directing us — are we being led by the treasures of earth or treasures of heaven?

To make his point crystal clear he has one more thought on this and is very concrete.

Read 6:24

This often quoted passage is a very concrete image. It is obvious that one could not have two masters — it is antithetical to the concept — You could be employed or work for more than one person, but to have complete ownership can only be by one.

Jesus is being clear that you cannot have a little of both — God Himself requires complete allegiance — He does not share His glory.

Isaiah 42:9

I am the Lord; that is my name; 

my glory I give to no other,

This is not to make God sound selfish, but rather the only one truly deserving this allegiance.  So if we think we can give our devotion to both God and mamon, even if it is a minuscule amount to mammon — then we may as well give all to it. But what is this mamon that Jesus speaks of — In Greek it is a transliteration of both the Hebrew and Aramaic word — which means wealth, material possessions — Again, our question — where does our trust lie? In the treasures that will fade and disappear as a mist? In Mamon? Wealth, possessions? These are things that we humans often pride ourself on— look what I did. I acquired these treasures — I have this wealthI — sounds like my trust is in me. If that is the case then it is clear that my eye is improperly working — I am full of darkness — my heart motivation is wrong.

So our first point:

Point 1:

A Kingdom Citizen treasures God’s provision and is devoted to Him alone.

My treasure is not here — I trust that God will provide. Therefore, my devotion is to Him alone — that is where my heart should be. That is what fills me full of light! Devotion to Him!

We now come to the next movement of imagery —

Read 6:25-32


So here is my first question — who gave you life? So If God made you — your body to thirst and to hunger — who is the correct one to provide those needs?


My life and yours are precious because HE MADE IT! So isn’t life more important than the small things like food and drink? Then Jesus gets a little cheeky in His imagery examples — Birds— do they have barns? No, thats silly — Yet God provides for them — Now that is not to say that birds are lazy —

I was just in the deer stand yesterday and saw birds fluttering about all over — what were they doing? Working to gather the things God created for them to live. They still work — but they do not worry for God provides. If you worry — are you able to add an hour — What does Psalm 139 say —

Your eyes saw my unformed substance;

 in your book were written, every one of them,

the days that were formed for me,

when as yet there was none of them.

God knows just what His creature’s need.

Then He moves to clothing — So again…I know realistically we need clothing…this is not the Garden of Eden.  But in the old computer game, Oregon Trail — I practiced this part of the Sermon really well — I never bought clothing at the forts,  just more ammo to hunt. But look around at the flowers — are they not clothed with beauty? Even the richest — wisest King doesn’t compare to their beauty — Do they toil — do they spin — Are they anxious about where their clothing comes from? No — the flowers appear just as God created them to appear. Rising in the spring — then slowly revealing their array of beauty. That’s how God provided for them. It was all done by His purpose for His purpose — trust that — God provides opportunities that we are to utilize.

Stott recounts a story from Hudson Taylor’s life:

“…in 1853. When a violent storm off the Welsh coast threatened disaster, he felt it would be dishonouring to God to wear a life-belt. So he gave his away. Later, however, he saw his mistake: ‘The use of means ought not to lessen our faith in God, and our faith in God ought not to hinder our using whatever means he has given us for the accomplishment of his own purposes.’”[1]

Believers are not to be lazy or unbelieving in God’s provision — commonly not miraculous. How about the grass — it grows then is plunged in the fire — it meets unfortunate ends. So if we are not to worry, then nothing bad will happen to us right? Whew — wait that’s not been your experience either? Sorry, if you’re not a Christian — this is sadly not one of the promises God makes. Please never hear from us that once you’re a follower of Christ life is easy. Or as people would say today: rainbows and unicorns… We will have trials — we will have difficulties.

Stott again summarizes this well —

It is true that Jesus forbids his people to worry. But to be free from worry and to be free from trouble are not the same thing. Christ commands us not to be anxious, but does not promise that we shall be immune to all misfortune. On the contrary, there are many indications in his teaching that he knew all about calamity.”[2]

Oh you of little faith — ouch — and then again comparison to the Gentiles — a bit of a backhand. But look at this beautiful comfort: The Father in Heaven — who Created YOU and ALL things — He knows what you need — He will provide according to His purposes —

So our second point is:

Point 2:

A Kingdom Citizen has faith in God’s ability to provide for every need.

We trust Him.

Our Father —

Our creator—

He provides.

Lastly we come to 6:33-34

Jesus concludes this section on not worrying by giving a proactive thing to do. 


Action oriented! Do it!

First — above all else — we hear this Kingdom language again. That is the Kingdom that doesn’t fail — treasures of this earth — mamon — worrying about your needs — those are all experiences of this place. But God’s place — His Rule — His Reign — His Perfect provision— that is what we seek! When our sights are set on the things above — on His Kingdom to come — Then we won’t worry — we will be devoted to storing up treasure in Heaven. These things will be added to you — it is the natural outflow of a kingdom citizen.

You might be thinking — ok — but am I supposed to lack ambition? No, we are naturally ambitious to be cared for, to be clothed, to be comfortable. The world over is concerned about that. But these even when they are modest are still self-motivated ambitions — So only when our ambitions are focused on God’s KingdomGod’s place, with God’s people, under God’s eternal rule — that is our goal!

How can we ever be content that he should acquire just a little more honour in the world? No. Once we are clear that God is King, then we long to see him crowned with glory and honour, and accorded his true place, which is the supreme place. We become ambitious for the spread of his kingdom and righteousness everywhere.”[3]


Point 3:

A Kingdom Citizen seeks the King above all things including ones self-ambition.

When that is what we seek — then all will be added unto us — all that we need for — all that we worry about.

So what do we take away from this section?

Take away – 1

We must evaluate where and what is our treasure.

Take away – 2

We must recognize the loving provision of God.

Take away – 3

We must set our gaze upon Christ our King.

As the popular show the Mandalorian says: 

“This is the way.”[4]

It is— for us professing Christ — Kingdom Citizens we must be on guard to live this way!

For those of you not made up your mind yet — This is it— it’s not easy peasy once “you’re in”. But it is the only way to truly live — It is the offer — join this way — believe that Christ is your Savior — who lived, died, and rose for you. As He also did for me. Lay your past, your shame your guilt at His feet. Recognize your need for Him — and let Him guide your life turning away from the old ways.

Simply put — Seek first the Kingdom of God….




1 John R. W. Stott and John R. W. Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7): Christian Counter-Culture, The Bible Speaks Today (Leicester; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1985), 166.

2 John R. W. Stott and John R. W. Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7): Christian Counter-Culture, The Bible Speaks Today (Leicester; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1985), 167.

3 John R. W. Stott and John R. W. Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7): Christian Counter-Culture, The Bible Speaks Today (Leicester; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1985), 176. 

4 Mandalorian, Lucas Films, (Disney +: 2020)