BBC has many opportunities for adults to grow in Christ


Select a ministry you are interested in.

All Adults

Programs and events for all adults

Sunday School for Men & Women

Meets 9:15am in room #106 during September – May.

In February, Elizabeth Roemer will be teaching a series on gifts of the Holy Spirit, “Unwrapping Gifts for His Glory”.

Small Groups

The purpose of our small groups is to build intentional communities within our congregation by doing life together, discussing scripture together (through a guided book/study) and praying together, often sharing a snack or meal together! Small group members of all ages and with or without children invest in each other through prayer and relationship. Our small group leaders offer a variety of days & times to meet and in a variety of ways to help meet your needs (in-person, Zoom or hybrid).  Complete the online form to let us know of your interest.

Prayer Gatherings, a weekly Wednesday night gathering dedicated to praise and prayer, 6:30-7:30PM in the sanctuary.  All ages are welcome. Come listen to testimonies and hear how God is answering prayers, share your prayer requests, and pray in small groups. Come be filled with God’s Presence, be encouraged, be refreshed, and be uplifted!

Each week will flow the same, except on the last Wednesday of the month, there will be additional accommodations for families. We’re calling these Prayer Gatherings+, and these gatherings will include:

  • Staffed Nursery: The nursery will be open for use each week, but on the last Wednesday of each month, the nursery will be staffed by caring adults for children from birth through 4 years old.
  • Kids Prayer Time: Activity kits will be available for children to use as they participate with their parents each week, but on the last Wednesday of the month, kids age 5+ can gather in the library (during the small group prayer time) for a special prayer-related activity.

Here is what God says about His Word

  • Is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)
  • Revives our soul (Psalm 19:7)
  • Is for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  • Should be stored up in our hearts (Psalm 119:10-11)
  • Is sweeter than honey (Psalm 19:10)
  • Renews our mind (Romans 12:2)
  • Is a light (Psalm 119:105)

We encourage you to join a Bible study or visit our library filled with great resources to help you study God’s Word. Need help? Contact us.


Programs and events for all women

Grace Women’s Ministry at BBC provides opportunities for women to know Christ and make Him known. Join us to study God’s Word together, gather together to worship and build community with each other and minister together to those in need.

“And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy  of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him:  bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy;  giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.”  

Colossians 1:9-12

"The Coming Golden Age" Bible Study

Tuesdays, 9-10:30am starting February 11 (room #106)

This video series by Dr. David Jeremiah is a 6-message study on future events, focusing on the Millennium.  This will be led by Marilyn Wallberg and is open to all women. No childcare provided.  No signup needed.

Ecclesiastes Bible Study

Mondays, 6:30-8pm, March 3-May 5 (room #106)

Author Lydia Brownback takes readers on a purpose-journey through the book of Ecclesiastes, illuminating our need for a guide and Savior. Part of the Flourish Bible Study Series, it explores this wisdom book verse by-verse to help women understand the themes of sin, vanity, enjoyment & death, ultimately encouraging believers to follow the will of God for their lives, no matter their current circumstances.” Led by Terri Mason and Denise Straw.  Sign up and pay for your study guide ($10.50) via the button below.

Grace Gatherings

Saturdays, 9-10:30am:  March 22, May 3 (10am)*, May 31

Gather with us on a Saturday morning for a sweet time together as we enjoy a light breakfast with beverages and contemplate a devotional from God’s Word.  Invite someone to join you!  There is no cost to attend.  Sign up via the Contact Form for Grace Women’s Ministry below or at the Welcome Desk in the church foyer.

*May 3 at 10am will be a special mother/daughter brunch!  Bring your mother and/or daughter or some other lady who is special in your life.

Dessert & Devo

Dessert(s) & Devotional:  Designed to be a sweet time in the Lord with dessert(s), a devotional from God’s Word and maybe some fun playing Bible trivia.  We are looking for hostesses for any month/date that works for you.

If you’d like to host the next “D&D”, our women’s ministry team will help guide you in planning, promote for you & provide resources for a devotional. Just indicate your interest via the contact form below.

Mark your calendars for later in the year…

Coming this summer – Growing Together: Taking Mentoring beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests mentorship training book study by Melissa Kruger.  “We need one another. Yet we don’t always know how to develop relationships that help us grow in the Christian life. Spiritual mentoring offers a way for younger believers and more mature Christians to grow together through intentional discipleship and accountability. Melissa Kruger presents a guide for discipleship conversations that span a variety of topics for spiritual growth.”  More info to come and dates TBD. Led by Mary Walsh

Coming this Fall – Women’s Retreat at Camp Lebanon, October 3-5: Fall Women’s Retreats at Camp Lebanon are “refreshing and inspiring, offering incredible opportunities for fellowship, instruction, and worship. Treat yourself to this delightful experience on the north shores of Cedar Lake, during one of the most beautiful times of the year. Each weekend features gifted guest speakers, powerful worship, and relevant workshops, plus outdoor activities and craft projects.”  More information to come, including the link for registering.

Helping Support The Compassion Connection

The Compassion Connection logo

Grace Women’s Ministry is helping support The Compassion Connection (TCC) by providing opportunities for all of us to be an impact for Christ in the community (Psalm 72:4).  Our next opportunity will be a pajama drive for which we’ll be collecting at our Christmas event on December 13.  Or you can visit their wish list of needs on Amazon or check out the TCC website.


Questions about Grace Women’s Ministry?
Please access and complete the contact form via the link below for more information.  Also, you can follow us on Facebook.

For the Men

Men's Bible Study

Study with us on Thursdays at 7pm in Room #218 (aka Library just off the foyer). No study guide needed — just bring your Bible!  We are in the Gospel of John.

Men's Breakfast & Devo - 2nd Saturday of each month at 8AM

We meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8AM for a simple breakfast and time spent in God’s Word.  We hope to see you there!


Chili Cookoff & NFL Championship Watch – January every year 5:30pm at The HUB*

Join us for this fun, annual event!  Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place + door prizes.  Bring a dessert/snack to share if you’re not bringing chili. *The HUB is located at 11952 Hancock St., across from the church parking lot.


Arise with the Guys –  April every year

This is an annual event where sports, faith and inspiration converge to impact lives. Arise with the Guys features NFL Hall of Fame Coach / NFL on CBS Commentator Tony Dungy, and his Uncommon Award Recipient – a prestigious honor bestowed upon legends like Peyton Manning, Ben Roethlisberger, Dabo Swinney, and others. Men, plan to join us, invite a friend and bring your sons! More information will be posted once the 2025 date has been announced.

BBC Adults (age 55+)