Our mission is to know Christ and make Him known

Becker Baptist Church Statement of Beliefs


We believe in the importance of continual personal spiritual growth through the study of God’s word.  We are committed to equipping individuals and families to love, honor, and serve God through the Spirit, beginning in early childhood and growing towards a Christ-centered adulthood.


We value worship as an integral aspect of our relationship with God. This is expressed both as a Church body and individually through prayer, praise and thanksgiving. We strive for authenticity of worship as an expression of our living faith.


We are dedicated to missions and reaching people for Christ both near and far through the power of the Holy Spirit.  People who are hurting, in need, and far from God all matter to Him, so they matter to us.  We value being relevant to the neighborhoods we live in while remaining true to the doctrines of Scripture.


We are devoted to gathering together for the purposes of learning, fellowship, unity and support with Christ as our example. Healthy relationships within our church family are an essential part of discipleship, worship and outreach as we grow closer to God.

All for the glory of God