Get Baptized

Believer’s Baptism
Baptism is a symbol of what has happened in an individual’s life. Baptism pictures and proclaims in a visible way the work of Christ in our lives.
Baptism is our act of symbolic identification with the death and resurrection of Christ. It publicly proclaims a transformed life. Dead to the world and risen anew in Christ. it symbolizes a life that is dead to sin.
Why should I be baptized?
There are two extreme views regarding the importance of baptism. Some believe it is essential to get into heaven and that if you were to die in an unbaptized state, God would never accept you. Instead, the Bible teaches that rituals are powerless to contribute to our salvation (Romans 4:9-12).
But there is the opposite error. Because baptism is not essential for salvation, we could end up having little regard for this ordinance. One way to maintain balance is to consider what the Bible teaches about the significance of this “ordinance of confession” for our lives.
To follow the example of Christ. Jesus was baptized to identify with sinful people like us (Mark 1:9). In our baptism, we identify with Him.
To obey Christ. We observe baptism, not out of tradition, but because the Lord of the Church commands it (Matthew 28:18-20, John 14:15).
To demonstrate that I am a Christian. Baptism does not make us Christians; it demonstrates that we are Christians (Acts 18:8).
How should I be baptized?
Baptism is most properly administered by immersion or dipping of a person in water in the name of the triune God. The primary meaning of the word – The Greek verb baptizo means to immerse or dip. Becker Baptist Church completes immersion baptisms in our santuary in the baptismal or a lake during warmer weather. The baptism is performed by one of our pastors.
Meet with a Pastor
If you are interested in being baptized, your next step is to meet with one of our pastors – either Pastor Nate or Pastor Kevin. Please complete the form below and we will connect you with a pastor to schedule a meeting together.

Physical Address:
11951 Hancock Street
Becker, MN 55308
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 7
Becker, MN 55308