How can we help you?
When you attend Becker Baptist Church you become part of our family.
As family, we take care of one another.
If you need help, we are here for you.
Complete the request form below.
Common Care Requests
Below are some of the most common ways we provide help, but if you have a request you don’t see listed – that’s ok!
Submit the form below and someone will reach out to you.
- Meal train
- Rake leaves and clean garden beds
- Shovel snow
- Wash windows
- Change hard-to-reach fire alarm batteries or lightbulbs
- Minor home repairs
- Friendly visits
- Moving
- Babysitter
- Ride to an appointment
Request Care
Submit a request for yourself or for someone you know.
Physical Address:
11951 Hancock Street
Becker, MN 55308
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 7
Becker, MN 55308